FestiShop - Vrac
Grand Rue 15
2710 Tavannes (BE)
(According to opening hours)
Maud coiffure et massage
Maud Humair Pellaton & Patricia Rebetez
Passage de la Poste 1
2714 Les Genevez (JU)
(According to salon opening hours and during your massage sessions)
Centre Sol'Âm - Chez Nathalie
Rue du Cairli 13
2603 Péry (BE)
(During your massage sessions or during your B&B stay)
Institut de beauté Florence
Grand Rue 14
2616 Renan (BE)
(According to opening hours)
What shopkeeper has never wanted to have an original product to stand out from his neighbours? With O'Natur'Elo products, it's done. Whether you have a gift shop, a beauty salon, a hair salon, a bulk or organic shop, a flower shop or a decoration shop, O'Natur'Elo has a multitude of products to complete your assortment and allow you to make additional sales. As a manufacturer/wholesaler, we offer you advantageous conditions for reselling our products. If you would like to meet us and obtain more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.